Think Positive!

Ever since I saw this photo it had an immediate emotional impact on me.  This a true representation of how horrible we can feel about our lives inside and out, but yet in this despair have an inkling that our lives can be better.

I say, “Move out of the trailer park and into a comfortable abode” by thinking positive and believing that the energy that comes off these intentions will shape a happier life.


Setting Intention

Nice article about using a daily ritual like hands in prayer position to overcome blockages and set the intention to “open to receive positive things into my life. “

Connected Breath

It’s the beginning of yoga class and we’ve been asked to bring our hands in prayer position to our heart as we sit in a comfortable position. Normally I would press my palms together, firm and even, but today my teacher says something different:

“Press your palms together firmly, now keep pressing through your thumbs and fingers, but create a little space in between your palms. In this way you make room for the seed of your intention.”

In the past, when I had set my intention at the beginning of class, it would feel superficial. This time, I found a great feeling of hope as I made space for my little seed – or pod – of intention. No longer was this just something I said before class, but something more tangible than that. By setting my intention into this little imaginary seed, I was creating a thought that would…

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Be Kind to Each Other – Life Instruction #3

I feel motivated today to write about the way we treat other people.

So many times I’ve gotten up in the morning in a good mood, only to be shot down by someone at work who is itching for a fight.  They are looking for a victim because they have pent up anger over their car not start that morning, the kids kept them up that night, or they had fight with their spouse.

One time I simply delivered a package to a boss and the next thing I knew, it was all around the office that I had done something terrible.  In her head she assumed I had an ulterior motive for the delivery, when the simple truth was the reception wasn’t at her desk and the UPS guy gave it to me.

Another scenario that happens is when an individual has old stuff that you trigger.  For example, I was trying to get to know a new employee and asked if she had any children?  I did this because I have a daughter and wanted to see if we had that in common.  But she reacted like she was highly insulted.  My guess is she had regrets over not having children or her parents had been bugging her for years to have kids?

Then there is the new stuff like passing poor treatment on from one person to the next.  I had a good friend who was complaining to me about a lady she’d known for years who over-reacted when she asked her a question that morning.  The lady then lectured her and told her to look up the answer herself.  My friend was furious.  The next thing I knew, about 30 minutes later, my friend pulled the same thing on me.

And finally, similar to the above problem in asking a question, I’d been having an issue with my blog not showing up in the Reader feature so I wrote WordPress on a Support Forum for an answer.  I posted the question a few times over the span of a several weeks waiting for an answer.  I finally received a reply from a WordPress staff person today lecturing me for posting so many times, reblogging, and asking a question that had been answered months ago.

I wrote back that I posted so many times because I didn’t receive a reply, I reblogged months ago because I had been seriously ill and was trying to keep the site up and recently reblogged because I was testing fixes to the Reader problem, and that the previous issue was different.  So you see, sometimes we make negative assumptions about situations and give snappy answers to people, when it’s just are not true.

LIFE INSTRUCTION NO. 3:   Don’t take your stuff out on other people.   Be kind to each other.   Be aware that at times we all lay negative filters (filled with our pent-up feelings) over perfectly innocent situations and pounce on unsuspecting victims.  Stop that!

Think about it!

J. Ricci Energy


Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it.  Match the frequency of the reality you want to create and you cannot help but get that reality. This is not philosophy. This is physics.



– Albert Einstein (found here)

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I love the above quote, it’s the difference between dreaming and doing!


The War Room

I remember when I was coming up, my mother would always say to me, “if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all”.  Or when outside playing we often repeated “Sticks & Stones may break my bones but words would never hurt me” to something offensive said to us.

I’ve always known, somewhere within myself, words are powerful and can affect us sometimes more deeply than something physical. As I mentioned before, I’m on this journey to better myself and the world I live in by my presence. I’m fully realizing, how I think and what I say is extremely important.

If you get a chance to watch a movie called You Can Heal Your Life or read the book by the same name, you will come to the same realization that I have. Our words, manifested in what we say and think, create our present…

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Reach Your Full Potential by Playing The Vision Master Game

Like many people, Jennifer Becker grew up in a family that did not have the financial, emotional or parental resources to support and build her self-esteem and encourage her to identify or go after her dreams.

“If you don’t receive ongoing encouragement and support growing up,” Jennifer explained, “your chances of experiencing a successful and rewarding life are greatly diminished.  I learned that if you’re not getting the support and encouragement you need and deserve, you’ve got to find a way to get it.”

So she founded the Conscious Product Center website and The Vision Master Game and other products and activities to help people maximize their full potential.

The back story is, over the years, Jennifer has held many corporate management positions, owned her own businesses, and worked as a business coach, personal development trainer, and mastermind group leader. Then, while working in executive positions, she found herself looking for and uncovering the “best way to get employees to work together in group settings for the most successful outcomes.”

It struck her that “egos played a role in disturbing the group dynamics” and that “the better a participant had a good sense of themself, the better the learning environment.”  But in working on this issue, she came away astonished at how many people had poor self-esteem and did not have dreams, hopes, and visions for their lives.

Jennifer then started searching for a process to solve this and eventually came up with The Vision Master Game. The game box contains a beautifully designed playing surface; 4 unique decks of cards with distinct questions, ideas, observations, intentions, and actions; wooden player pieces for moving through the game; dice; and a pouch with colored stones that are accumulated by players.  To see the game in action, watch the short video below.

Jennifer found that the playfulness of the game minimized dramatic egos and stimulated the brain to expand beyond its limited view to unlock the potential in participants.  She explained, “Energy is created where you find answers to questions and people are surprised with what comes out of their mouths.  It’s a channel to greater knowledge and the free flow of information.”

Other products offered on her website include:

  • Sign up for a FREE “Start Your Day” audio message that will be sent you by email to start your day with power and confidence.
  • For anyone who mentions they heard about her website in this article, Jennifer will also offer through her online Store for FREE (it usually costs $3.99), her audio recording “How Important Are You?
  • Stay tuned to the website because several new audio recordings will be published in the coming weeks!

Jennifer says her website offers a “spoonful of motivational medicine to help people feel like they matter and are worthy of accomplishing great things.”  It’s a kick-start for the brain!

Appreciating the Beauty in Life

Sometimes we are in such a hurry that we miss the beauty that surrounds us.  I just thought a tranquil picture of Newport, OR might take you to the present moment, help you take a deep breath, relax, and appreciate all you have in your life.

Great article about watching what you think, do, and say!

Your Personal Motivator | Rose Life Coach

Step 7: Always Avoid the Opposite

Law of Attraction simple rules: Your action must not contradict your desire. If your desire is to be healthy again, therefore, in every action you make; you must avoid the opposite acts of health. Here are the few simple examples.

a) Avoid Mention Your Illness
Sometimes we are tempted to speak of the illness to others for many reasons. One of the common reasons is seeking understanding from people around us.  However, if you have to speak of your illness, speak only one and that’s it. Practise ‘no repetition’ in explaining your illness to others.

The reason is; when you speak of your illness, you are giving your attention and focus to your illness. The energy and vibration that you put on your illness plus what others may have for you (like sympathy, sadness) only contributes more power towards your illness.

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Don’t eat yourself up from the inside out. Be gentle and treat yourself with kindness.

Motivation, Inspiration and Life

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I completely agree with this article about enlightenment. It talks about our energy being a precious commodity, not to be wasted. I came to this understanding too, that it is possible to let other peoples’ shit roll off your back and let it be theirs as you stay in your own loving and positive frame of mind.

It is difficult to maintain this mindset, but once learned it never leaves you and things affect you less as you grow in spirit. What is around us in our daily life is a make believe play — you can choose to react as scripted or write your own response. Think of your energy as a precious commodity and direct it positively for your own and others good.

Chores. Love. Service.

Three years ago I discovered the secret to life. I was elated and on a high. Nothing could bother me. I felt free and as light as Dandelion seeds completely absent any resistance and taking flight easily whichever way the wind blew. Things that used to infuriate me just didn’t anymore. It simply wasn’t worth my energy to feel rotten and miserable. The secret I learned is that our energy is a precious commodity, even more precious than gems and diamonds.

The euphoria came because it wasn’t just a theory. It was knowledge infused into the very cells of my body. I was a superhero who went out into the world unable to spend my precious energy in any way that was wasteful.

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Food for thought article … what exit do you take from the freeway and what street do you live on?

Nice thought … I can’t emphasize more what a big role being grateful plays in enjoying life.

Taste of life by Sabi

Try to see all blessings given to you. No matter how sad you are. Try to find something positive even in the worst situation. Experience, and knowledge about people and life are also profits. Sometimes really more precious, than money. If you can learn from your failures, you’ll be able to get all, what you want.  So take bad times in life as they are – precious lesson of life.  Stand up, and move on! And be thankful for all good, what you got on your path of life. For all blessings.

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Interesting article about what success really means to you, and how to “start to live life, instead of life living you.”


Everyone seems to strive to be ‘successful’ in life. We all look to apply the
‘Law of Attraction’ to gain ‘success’.

But what is ‘success’? What makes you successful, and what makes you a ‘failure’?

To answer this question, let’s first take a look at our world. Our societies are
completely focused on our five senses of seeing, hearing, tasting, touching
and smelling. Our five senses are constantly stimulated. They are enticed
and exploited all the time.

It is therefore no surprise that we tend to focus our minds on materialism
24 hours per day. We tend to focus all the time on big cars, big houses,
lots of money in the bank, and so on.

There is nothing wrong with that in itself. Neither does this mean that being
‘spiritual’ equals being poor and living in a dump. That doesn’t make sense either.
The problem is not with the…

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Life is short — make the best of it!

Taste of life by Sabi

Have a good start to the week friends. 🙂

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AquaCure Diary: Final Week, Very Happy

About a month ago I started my AquaCure experiment, where for one month I drank water out of a glass with positive words written on it and said affirmations out loud.  I came up with the idea to improve my health, after seeing Masuro Emoto’s  test of rice and photographs of water crystals and writing about it in How Water is Deeply Connected to Our Individual and Collective Consciousness.

In AquaCure: First Week, Subtle Change I talked about reading a self-help book titled “Why Don’t I do the Things I know are Good for Me?”   This book was refreshing and enlightening as it went to the heart of my issue “self-care.”  I learned that rational thoughts may tell us what would be good for us, but our fatigue and emotions – the need for immediate stress relief or comfort – override our rationality.  In order to develop good self-care, we need to learn new behaviors that cause us to act in our own long-term best interest rather than momentary satisfaction.
The second week AquaCure: Second Week, a Positive Shift I told a story about how a friend went on a non-gluten diet and that inspired me to do the same.  I went on the food plan as a lark, but within days I took it serious because I saw my body and energy shift as I lost the addictive urge to stuff my face with food, my energy became balanced instead of highs and lows, I could think clearer, aches and pains went away, and I lost weight.

And in the third week AquaCure:  Third Week, Loving Gluten-Free Diet I went on to estole the benefits of the non-gluten diet by providing research about gluten’s link to chronic diseases and facts like “Did you know that 1 in 7 people have an intolerance to gluten, a protein in wheat, spelt, rye, barley, oats.”

As an extra dimension to the experiment I even tried different types of water each week – Week 1 was tap water, Week 2 bottled water, Week 3 filtered water, and Week 4 ionized water.

To tell you the honest truth, I couldn’t tell a difference in drinking types of waters, so I think manifestation is more determined on the “quality of your thoughts” rather than “quality of the water.”  My own opinion is focusing on the water glass makes you stop and give more energy to your intention and that was the key — the universe gave me these guided gifts, I listened to my intuition, and then acted on them.  Below are the manifestations:

  1. Led to the self-help book
  2. A friend told me about their gluten-free food plan
  3. And the final manifestation that I haven’t told you about is … a puppy.


I have been wanting a dog the past few years and have looked but nothing stuck. That is until a few weeks ago when I stepped into a PetSmart store to look at the latest round of shelter dogs.  Although I wanted an older, trained dog, a little puppy Chiweenie (cross between Chihuahua and Dachshund) stole my heart.  When I held her, she melted into my arms.  And ever since, she and the above manifestations have brought more health, happiness, and joy into my life.

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